

Contains watercolour paintings including mixed media.


Acrylic, coloured pencils, gouache, marker, pastel and ink.


My digitally created pictures.


Watercolour - "Houses"

Watercolour - "Mixed media"

Watercolour - "Nature"

Watercolour - "Places"

About me ...

Oksana Knisel (née Yakusheva)
born 1975 in Moscow
lives in Fellbach (Baden-Württemberg) since 2003
married, 2 school-age children

Since my childhood I have always loved to paint, but never considered an artistic profession. My second love (airplanes) won at that time - I successfully studied flight management and then worked for a long time in the financial clearing industry for air transportation.
With the passage of time, my childhood wish to be able to paint professionally became louder and louder. Since 2018, I now devote myself to this favourite activity and paint - mainly with watercolours, but also with acrylics, gouache, pastels and digital.